We show the live positions of thousands of public transport vehicles worldwide - regardless of whether they are trains, buses or trams. For all vehicles, the positions are calculated from the timetable or, where available, from real-time data and visualized on the maps. The timetable sources published by transport companies worldwide serve as the basis.
Vehicles with real-time data can be identified by the colored border around the symbols:
Journey without real-time data
On time or maximum 3 min late
3 to 5 min late
More than 5 min late
We offer you displays specially adapted to your needs as well as the integration of your data, even if it is not publicly available.
You may also integrate the map into your own website. The condition is that the programme code is not changed and that the header with our logo and the footer with the copyright information are visible. If you would like a different presentation, please contact us. We will be happy to offer you a customised solution.
All data shown may be subject to terms of others, usually the transport agency or operator publishing the data. Please check their individual license terms. You will find links to the publisher's websites or their license terms when clicking on any of the vehicles displayed. geOps does not hold liable for the correctness and completeness of the data. geOps reserves the right to modify or discontinue this service at any time.
Welcome to the Mobility Portal by geOps. Our portal combines maps of many aspects of public transport and mobility in general, e.g. real-time vehicle positions, line network plans, transit-maps, fare networks, location and detailed information on stations. If you are interested to use the maps on your site, or if you need any form of customisation, please contact us at info@geops.com. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date.
Welcome to the Mobility Portal by geOps. Our portal combines maps of many aspects of public transport and mobility in general, e.g. real-time vehicle positions, line network plans, transit-maps, fare networks, location and detailed information on stations. If you are interested to use the maps on your site, or if you need any form of customisation, please contact us at info@geops.com. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date.